Saturday, June 25, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction, Cialis®, and Back Pain

So, I’m doing some special research on the vast spectrum of so-called “Side Effects” caused by the erectile drugs, Cialis and the others, when I find a line on the Cialis web site, included under the heading The most common side effects with CIALIS are. It reads:

Men who get back pain and muscle aches usually get it 12 to 24 hours after taking CIALIS.”

I started to laugh.

If you’re a bloated slug that hasn’t moved your ass off your Barcalounger since Monica Lewinsky was in the news, then yeah, I think you’re going to have some back pain after you’ve taken Cialis. And leg pain, and a burning in your lungs, and perhaps an inguinal hernia, too.

If it hadn't occurred to you, sex is a pretty aggressive physical activity. If you're cleaning the garage, you can quit if your back starts to hurt. When you're pushing toward the sexual goal post, it's really difficult to break stride, especially if you're using your first functional woody in a couple of years.

More astonishing is the fact that you’ve found anyone with whom to use it. To what level of personal deprecation and self loathing must a woman sink to allow you to lay on top of her while you the flop around with an artificial boner, your sole intent being to pump out a few drops of lifeless body fluid before returning to your recliner? Further,during this egregious excuse for love making, you’re gasping for air with such desperation that Greenpeace shows up to push you back into the water.

When you finally roll over, she gets her datebook and crosses 2011 off her honey-do list.

Drugs that provide temporary relief from erectile dysfunction are not a cure-all for your sex life. To experience great sex, not just the occasional partner-accompanied orgasm, your body must be prepared to be a delivery mechanism for your erection.

You must have the body strength, lung capacity and stamina to do the job. This includes:

  • Lasting long enough to provide your lady with some satisfaction, or you’ll be replaced – gleefully, I might add – by something with rechargeable batteries. That is, if you haven’t so offended her libido that she has performed a quiet, personal funeral and buried it for life.
  • You’ve got to allow your body the time to build up momentum before you reach climax so that your orgasm and concomitant ejaculation come from deep down and are truly worth the effort.
  • You must survive. There’s a saying that airline pilots have, “Any landing is a good landing if you can walk away from the plane.” A great landing? “Any landing you can walk away from, and use the aircraft again on the same day.” Same goes for sex.
Will you be able to walk away? Or will some EMT wind up trying to pump life back into your naked, sweaty, flaccid body... boner pills stops working when your heart does. Will you be able to use the machinery again on the same day? Is there any chance you’ll be invited to?

If you have erectile dysfunction that’s not directly attributable to surgery, injury or other diagnosed cause – that is, if you’re one of the 70%+ whose dick just stop working, then you must get some exercise. You don’t have to run a marathon, or run at all. You’ve just got to get your blood and body fluids moving again.

If you don’t, you’re going to wind up with back pain -- and perhaps chest pain -- whether or not you've taken erectile dysfunction medications.

I suggest some specialized exercises in my book... easy things you can do in the privacy of your home without having to purchase any devices or contraptions.

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. A concise and powerful men’s health guide, HARD! provides a protocol for how to do everything right. 

Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.

Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Vegetarian and Vegan Diets for Erectile Dysfunction

First a couple of definitions. A Vegetarian Diet consists of no meat, fish, foul, or other (previously) living creatures. A Vegan Diet goes one step further, and does not include any products of animals either, most commonly milk, cheese, and eggs. In a perverse way, veganism is better for you inasmuch as dairy is so bad for erectile health.

Is there a vegetarian diet that addresses the issue of erectile dysfunction? Yes. Is there a vegan diet? Yes. Is there a diet that includes meat and dairy that can reduce or eliminate ED? Yes.

We know that meat and potato guys can get erectile dysfunction. Likely, you are one. But can a man eating a vegetarian or even a strict vegan diet get ED? Absolutely.

It’s the proportion of meat to vegetables that moves your diet from one that promotes and even directly causes impotence, to one that reduces or eliminates dysfunction.

The primary cause of erectile dysfunction in men who do not have physical injury is inflammation of the arteries. I write about this extensively in my book, linked at the bottom of this posting. Sub-clinical inflammation, an irritation that does not cause diagnosed disease, is present in almost everyone living on an American diet. Arterial walls are the primary producers of nitric oxide which is essential for getting an erection. Low nitric oxide and you have ED. Yes, the problem is Low-N, not Low-T.

Inflammation of the arterial walls reduces the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood and, with time, brings on erectile dysfunction. That time usually happens in a man’s fifties or later, but has become more frequent in men in their thirties and forties. What produces inflammation and Low-N? I’ve already mentioned it. The American Diet.

There are proponents of Vegan diets that will assure you – with religious zeal – that veganism is the healthiest diet and will cure all ills. But one can include Arsenic in a vegan diet without violating any of its precepts. And vegans do consume many harmful substances. One naturopathic doctor told me that her vegetarian clients were as unhealthy as any others, and those that claimed to be vegan were sometimes worst.

Processed non-animal products such as wheat and flour, rice, and vegetable oils have had all the nutrition stripped from them in processing, leaving them to be non-healthful by their very nature. They can fill you up at a meal, but provide none of the nutrients required by your immune system, endocrine system, or digestive system to insure a long and healthy life. Sugar – including so-called natural sugar as honey, cane, etc. – and all the myriad preparations of sugar products are okay with vegetarians/vegans, but they are unhealthy beyond just their empty calories. They inflame the body and cause acidosis. Neither vegetarian nor vegan diets prohibit carbonated drinks or artificial sweeteners. Both directly cause irritation and inflammation of nerves and arteries. All cause Low-N and erectile dysfunction.

I could go on at some length, I did in my book, but here’s a quick cheat-sheet on what a Potency Diet would look like:
  • 90%+ raw or cooked vegetables, including salads and fresh fruit and melons.
  • Less than 10% lean meat, and not more than 1% real dairy (no margarine or other processed milk products).
  • Little or no bread, flour, or other processed wheat or grain products.
  • Little or no sugar, processed or otherwise.
  • Not more than one cup of coffee and one alcoholic drink per day.

Sound hard. It is. Impossible? No. Because the first thing you can do is to trade one meal a day, perhaps lunch, for a healthy, vegan dish. A large – humongous, if you’d like – salad with lots of spinach and baby greens, some red and yellow bell peppers, a tomato, cucumber, and sprinkled with some walnuts or sunflower seeds. Do without the dressing if you can, but if you must, just a tablespoon or two of balsamic vinaigrette.

At first, you may hate it. Force it down. Finish it. It’s not just the replacement aspect that will help you, that you won’t be eating a burger with fries, it’s also the micro-nutrients in the greens that are essential to calm inflammation, bolster your immune system, and bring life back into your sex life.

I don’t advocate vegetarian or vegan diets only because I know they’re impractical. You guys that are impotent aren’t going to give up a burger or ribs or a steak. But if you could replace even half your meat meals with vegan equivalents, you might begin to see a difference in the way you feel, the way you smell, and the way you perform. Nitric oxide levels might normalize, certainly cholesterol and blood pressure challenges will be affected, and you will be on the way to a longer healthier sex life.

For more information, pick up a copy of my book:

2nd Edition updated May 2012 is not just for men with erectile dysfunction.

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. This concise and powerful men’s health guide provides a protocol for how to do everything right.
Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.

Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Dr. Michael J. Breus is a clinical psychologist and board certified sleep specialist. In a June 16, 2011 article posted on, he describes research reported earlier by This references a press release I traced back to the American Urological Association. Read it if you have a true desire for meaningless drivel.

Dr. Breus, echoing reporter Robert Preidt of HealthDay that provided the report to who read the PR of the American Urological Association all managed to come to the same conclusion: those with erectile dysfunction are more likely to also have sleep apnea.

Fucking DUH!

I’m sorry, but this is just insane. Of course, men with ED are also going to have an increased incidence of Apnea, because they are both caused by the same thing. Being overweight, under exercised, and just out of freaking shape will cause ED and it will also create the airway obstruction associated with this dangerous sleep disorder.

I wrote an entire book about this... the link is provided at the bottom of this post. The difference is, I provide suggestions on how to eliminate these life altering and life threatening conditions and they do not.

I understand that the original research finding is just that, and must be reported without editorial comment. It is not meant to offer any further advice. However, the follow up reporters – two levels deep – regurgitate the data -- it is data and not information -- and they add nothing. There is no value whatsoever. Neither says anything about what to do to prevent either erectile dysfunction or sleep apnea. Knowing that these two disorders are “linked,” does nothing to help anyone.

Dr. Breus even goes so far as to remind readers that they “make sure to use your CPAP machine, oral appliance or other prescribed treatment on a regular basis.” But he never tells them to get off their asses and take a walk. Get away from the TV, stop eating, and go outside!

To think that people who have earned doctorates in medicine, medical research, and psychology cannot find it in themselves to give people a little direction away from expensive machines, “appliances,” and other medical and medicinal treatments is upsetting and very scary. It’s all about the buck. If anyone speaks up and tells everyone suffering from everything that they can resolve their issues themselves, then the Medical and Pharmaceutical juggernauts will come down on them and stop funding their web sites.

Heal yourself. It’s the kind of healing that really works. Read how.

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. A concise and powerful men’s health guide, HARD! provides a protocol for how to do everything right. 

Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.

Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download:

Friday, June 10, 2011

Curing Erectile Dysfunction is Like Writing a Book

I’ve recently made a new friend online. Ms. Kristen Lamb is an accomplished author, lecturer and tutor (and she’s happily married, so fuggedaboutit). I was initially drawn to her with the impending publication of my newest book, a non-fiction about eliminating erectile dysfunction (more info at bottom of this post).

Kristen writes a powerful blog for writers, both those that are aspiring as well as those that are perspiring. I’ve read her work and benefited significantly.

In her June 10th blog post –What Are the Odds...Really? Taking a Hard Look at Success she writes about the 5% rule in reference to the probability of success by wannabe authors.

If you have ever bragged, perhaps to a woman at a bar, or to friends at a cocktail party, “I’ve got a great idea for a story. I’m going to write a book ...,” then you’re part of the 100%. Almost every literate person has thought, fantasized, or daydreamed about being a successful author. The TV show Castle has probably added considerably to this fantasy.

If you’ve taken the first step, making the decision to pursue writing, and taken in seriously, then you fall into the 5%, just 1 out of 20 who are motivated to follow through on the brag.  But that’s just the first step. There are 7 additional rungs of the ladder, and Ms. Lamb states that statistics show at each step 95% drop out and just 5% proceed over the subsequent hurdle.

The blog post is a fascinating read. Additionally if you’re considering writing a book, either fiction or non-fiction, you should read her work, We Are Not Alone available at

Now what does this have to do with Erectile Dysfunction?

Same 5% rule. Of the men who feel they have diminished function – or have ultimately lost all useful function – just 1 out of 20 actually do something about it... besides whine that is.

Most men that can afford the boner-pills just plunk down their cash and take the easy way out. But the drugs don’t work all of the time. And as you get older you won’t be able to take those pills because they will interfere with medications you’re taking for other maladies of age. The bottom line is that they do nothing to address the root cause of your ED, and their retinue of side effects only serve to age you even more.

Like writing a book, there are a series of hurdles to jump. First, eliminate the possibility of some more dangerous medical condition that also causes loss of function – get a checkup. Then try to identify the root cause of your ED. Then address that cause. Then keep up doing what you must to maintain erectile function. It is likely that only 5% of you will proceed with each step.

Will you be one of those? Or are you going to just give up?

In a discussion group at, the web site of a not-for-profit group designed to create an open forum for ED sufferers, one member stated in a discussion group – I paraphrase – that he decided to have his prostate surgically removed after a diagnosis of cancer as the easiest way out, even though he knew that it would most likely lead to permanent ED. In retrospect, he said, “I didn’t realize what I was giving up.” He desperately missed having real sex.

Don’t give up. Don’t take the easy way out. BE the 5%. Write the book. Eliminate your erectile dysfunction. Accomplish any else you wish for the remainder of a long and healthy life. Just freakin' do it!

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. A concise and powerful men’s health guide, HARD! provides a protocol for how to do everything right. 

Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.

Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download:

Penis Sensitivity: Erectile Dysfunction, Orgasms, and Ejaculation - Part II

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is the first line of defense against infection, it maintains the fluid levels in your body and, as the Allan Sherman parody of the song [You’ve gotta have] Heart from Damn Yankees said, “You’ve gotta have skin... it’s what keeps your insides in.”

Guys who frequently work with their hands, especially those who labor manually for a living, understand that the skin on their palms and fingers gets thicker, harder, and rougher. Women, who often wear high heeled shoes, will develop thick calluses on the balls of their feet. This is the skin’s way of ensuring that a rupture at the site of heavy use is prevented from occurring. Your body puts on extra layers – a natural glove or sock – as protection to the vital mechanisms that lie beneath.

As one gets older, this process becomes less specific. We men all recognize the difference between a 25 year old woman’s skin and that of a 55 year old. Sorry, ladies, there really IS a noticeable loss of softness, elasticity and suppleness, though many men of the same era, including me, entirely appreciate you just the way you are.

Men don’t escape the ravages of the decades. Our skin suffers the same deterioration over time. In the context of this discussion, I have to be the bearer of bad news: a man’s penis is no different from the rest of him. Skin will thicken, and nerve ending will be more shielded from the outside world.

Your penis can develop calluses as well. Though not as visible as the thickened heel of an avid jogger, frequent unlubricated masturbation can cause the buildup of skin masking the nerve ending of the penis.

And there’s more...

As we age, our sensory systems start to wear out. It is unnecessary to point out that hearing, sight and the ability to discern nuances of taste, all begin to fade beginning as early as our 40s. By the time most people – both men and women – are in their 50s the degradation is noticeable, though often does not hamper daily activity. Sometime in our 60s, certainly by our 70s, other people start yelling at us when they speak, and those damn waitresses start giving us menus with really, really tiny type.

Our ability to feel – our “touch” sense – is not immune from the years either. Lose of tactile ability occurs all over the body including the head of the penis, further exacerbating the effects of thickening skin.

So, what do you do to revitalize and increase the sensitivity of one’s penis?

If you’ve found this blog posting, they you’ve also surfed the web looking for products that are “guaranteed” to increase your sensitivity. I’ve done some research and found that the potions offered are little more than basic skin cream.

Next time you’re in a motel, take the little bottle of hand lotion that’s offered on the bathroom counter, and rub that on your dick and let it sit. If you’re alone, you may be inspired to take the process one step further, but don’t. Just sit there. Look at your dick and the cream. Screw that; jerk off. The cream won’t do you any good anyway.

The creams, oils and ointments don’t work. Some have some menthol in them, or other “tingly” kind of herbal preparation, but that isn’t increasing sensitivity, it just feels kinda good – or so I’m told. Some of it may be very uncomfortable for your woman. You’ve got to be careful of that.

But here’s what to do. First, if you’re having regular sex with a woman, then don’t masturbate between encounters with her. This will both make you hornier and more sensitive to physical stimulation, as well as allow your prostate and seminal vesicles to fill completely.

Men get hornier than women because we have a physical and physiological basis for our horn. Our sperm-generating mechanism keeps on producing the little buggers until our storage tanks are filled... and then they keep producing more, though the vesicles can sense what they are full.

Let me repeat that – the storage tanks for sperm can “feel” when they are full. Pressure builds in them. At a conscious level you cannot feel that pressure, but it causes hormonal changes in your body and what you do sense is horniness. Sometimes this is enough to drive you crazy until you achieve release. Ever been there? Doesn’t take much to go the distance, does it? Save that one for your lady.

If you’re not in a relationship and can’t afford a steady stream of prostitutes, then just take it easy when you masturbate. Use some lubricant; hand lotion from the motel will work fine. It will prevent thickening of the skin due to abrasion and assist in softening it at least as well as the high-priced dick-creams. And don’t ever jerk-off in the morning; you never know who you’ll meet later in the day.

The good news is that sexual nerve endings are so sensitive that even with the impediments of generalize loss of the tactility and increased thickness of the skin, they still work pretty well.

Your partner may have to help with a little extra physical – manual or otherwise – stimulation to get you going, but unless your loss of sensation is clinical, you should be able to achieve erection, orgasm, and ejaculation.

If you feel that you’re still just not getting enough stimulation, let’s not forget that entire arena of visual arousal. Your partner can provide opportunity for you to observe her. She should spend more time naked while preparing herself for you, allowing you to enjoy her body visually. Watching sex movies together – I do not agree with the moniker “pornography” – or even watching one alone as a prelude to sex can also give you a head start on getting wood.

Perfume or other scents that reminds you of romantic and sexual encounters is also very effective, even if they take you back forty years and dozens of women. Second only to direct physical stimulation, olfaction – smell – is the most powerful of the erotic senses. It is tied directly to the limbic system, also called the Reptilian brain, which is among the oldest of the brain’s structures. All reptiles did was eat, shit and make more reptiles. It’s a very powerful part of the brain directing animal behaviors including the stimulation for sex. And they never, ever suffered from a reptile dysfunction.

Most importantly, drop all your worries, all your anger, all your outrage, and all your discontents on the floor with your clothes before getting into bed. Just as a mental image can cause arousal, brain-sewage can clog your ability to get a boner in a flash. Clear your mind, clear your calendar, and clear the way for great sex.

2nd Edition updated May 2012.

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. This concise and powerful men’s health guide provides a protocol for how to do everything right.
Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.
Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life, 2nd Edition

Dear Friend,

As one guy to another, if you're in the position where you're surfing the internet looking for answers to your questions, just invest a few dollars in my book. You'll get answers to questions that you haven't even thought to ask about staying potent longer in life, and rejuvenating yourself if you need it.

2nd edition. Updated and enhanced May 2012.

Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.

Also available in all eBook formats at

The Sudden Onset of Erectile Dysfunction

On August 1, 2007, Bridge 9340, an eight-lane, steel, truss arch bridge that carried Interstate 35W across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, MN, collapsed during evening rush hour. Thirteen people were killed, and 145 others were injured. Previously, approximately 140,000 vehicles traversed that span each day. Every day.

That was a Wednesday. What held it up on Tuesday? And how about Monday? And what about the 14,000+ other days, back to the opening of the structure in 1967?

The safety board investigations found that there were some critical design errors inherent in the bridge. But it stood for 40 years! One investigator said, "In the case of these gusset plates at node U-10 [the part of the bridge that failed], there simply was no corrosion to identify in any areas associated with the fracture.” He was saying that they couldn’t “diagnose” any issue in advance of that tragic day that would cause it to fail.

So, a bridge that’s imperfect managed to withstand the load for 40 years, but through the repetitive assault of wheels, and truck vibrations, and dudes playing their radios too loudly, finally after four decades of performance said, “Enough is enough,” and without any outward sign that something was going drastically wrong... it fell limp.

Catastrophic failure can suddenly follow long term abuse. So common is the human experience that we have a cliché. When that last insult occurs, “It was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

That IS erectile dysfunction. Your ED is the end product of years of you pounding away at your liver and adrenal glands, and your blood vessels and lymphatic system, and to some extent your psyche as well. You do fine, coincidentally enough, for 40 or 50 years, then you fall limp.

What was the straw that broke your “back?” What was the last thing you did before the first time you couldn’t get it up? Well, that it’s not that easy to identify. You’re a biological system. You probably were experiencing some level of diminished performance before you lost the ability to effectively penetrate a vagina at all.
The wonderful thing is that as a biological system you can repair yourself. You can retrieve the function, perhaps not of your 20s, but certainly of any normal guy of 40... without drugs.

The drugs take their toll. I’ll be blogging about “side effects” later on, but for now, please understand that the sub-clinical effects of boner-pills are unknown. Viagra®, the first to hit the market, was introduced in 1998. That’s just over a dozen years. We really don’t know what the effect of regular use of these drugs is going to be on a guy of 50 who would like to live and perform into his eighties or beyond.

Sign up as a follower of this blog and visit it often. Read my book, HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life. I don’t provide any miracle solutions, but after years of research, and the restoration of my own “erectile muse,” I’ve created a common sense approach to being able to perform sexually, reliably, and effectively.

My book is a cafeteria plan of actions you can perform to stave off and prevent sexual failure. You can do just little things to shore up and repair abuses of your body. The advice I provide will keep you healthy enough to have great sex, too!

3nd Edition updated 2014 is "NOT just for those with Erectile Dysfunction"

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is for all men who want to keep functioning well  throughout their life. This concise and powerful men’s health guide provides a protocol for how to do everything right.

Available in print and eBook at Amazon/Kindle and, and  available in Apple, iBooks, Kobo, Sony and all eBook formats: