Friday, October 7, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction, Heart Health, and Atherosclerosis – Hardening of the Arteries

Erectile Dysfunction can be the first warning sign that your arteries are building up plaque – you are beginning to have systemic atherosclerosis – your arteries are hardening – you’re going to have a heart attack or stroke.

Need I say more? Probably not, but I will.

Healthy arteries are lined with a layer of cells called endothelium that produce a substance called nitric oxide, chemical formula NO, one nitrogen atom attached to one oxygen atom. This compound is directly related to producing an erection. Viagra works by increasing the amount of nitric oxide in your system.

Let me repeat that... if your arteries are healthy, your body will produce all the nitric oxide it needs to keep you penis working properly. When you abuse your body and degrade the lining of your arteries – mostly with the overindulgence of animal based foods – you destroy the ability of your body to produce erections all by itself.

So, you take Viagra or one of the other ED medications and you’ve got a boner again. Great. But what about your arteries? Erectile dysfunction has a major impact on your life. So does death. Dead men don’t get laid! Ever! And the first sign of serious heart disease in over one quarter of all cases is death... that is... if you ignore your ED.

I love meat. Beef, pork, chicken & turkey, even fish. I’m not big on dairy, but I like pizza and eggs with just about anything and that anything is usually some kind of meat. However animal flesh and dairy have been clearly demonstrated to cause heart and artery disease, promote cancer, and shorten life and penis longevity. I wouldn’t dare to suggest you give up animal foods, but consider cutting down and replacing some meals with more veggie matter.

I suggest a plan of action that will help you accomplish this in my book. Please get a copy, read it, and try to follow my advice. You will live longer and sexier.

2nd Edition updated May 2012.

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. This concise and powerful men’s health guide provides a protocol for how to do everything right.
Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.
Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download: