Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Danger of Ignoring Erectile Dysfunction

There are two points I want to make. First, while a cigar is sometimes just a cigar, erectile dysfunction is sometimes NOT just erectile dysfunction. ED can be a symptom of a much more serious problem. It could be the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

If you haven’t already been diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes, loss of potency can be an early warning sign. Get a checkup. There are other diseases associated with loss of the ability to get an erection including, but not limited to, some of the nastier prostate issues. Get a checkup.

Even if you think you never will need an erection again, if through some unforeseen series of circumstances you discover that you can’t – get a checkup. It could save your life.

Topic number next:

Some of you are unsure of your potency. Masturbation may work “okay.” Certainly you can have an orgasm and ejaculation, but you’re not as hard as you used to be. Perhaps it only works some of the time, and you may be unsure if you can perform with sufficient success, should you get an invitation to a new partner's bed.

Some of you may have given up, confident in your lack of confidence about ever attracting a mate.

Stranger things have happened than your finding someone with whom to have sex. Alright, it’s not going to be Charleze Theron who recently announced on national TV that she’s looking for a man, but you may run into a nice woman with a warm smile. Suffering from an undiagnosed cerebral lesion, she may find you attractive.

Penis size is like money. It's only important to the extent that you don't have it.

You don’t want your dick to permanently shrink to the point of embarrassment. You don’t want the guy to be too small to really do the job. 

Long, short or average, you want to exercise your muscle to keep your bone the length it always has been. However, your dick is neither muscle nor bone. Muscles can be reinvigorated if it shrinks, your penis can’t. And there’s no bone there, so taking your mother’s osteoporosis medication is not going to help you.

If you discover you have difficulty getting an erection, don’t give up and say, “Well, I’m never going to get laid again anyway,” unless you have some reason why you just don’t want to ever have sex again – in which case you wouldn’t be reading this.

Read the previous post: Erectile Dysfunction and Permanent Penile Shrinkage. It's free. And buy my book. It's not free, but for the cost of just one latte...

* * *

2nd Edition updated May 2012 is "NOT just for those with Erectile Dysfunction"

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is for all men who want to keep functioning well  throughout their life. This concise and powerful men’s health guide provides a protocol for how to do everything right.

Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.

Also available in iBooks, Kobo, Sony and all eBook formats for immediate download:

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