Earlier this week, in my last blog post, I discussed “Female Sexual Satisfaction: The Case for Post-Play.” In it I include the paragraph:
When a woman achieves orgasm, the cilia – the little hairs that move fluid – at the opening of her fallopian tubes go crazy. Then start suctioning in everything they can, including sperm containing semen. It is not a great leap to understand that if a woman achieves her satisfaction in the presence of semen – your satisfaction – there’s a tremendous evolutionary advantage. That is, there is a better chance of fertilizing an egg that is entering or in the fallopian tubes.
Coincidentally, or perhaps not so, I’ve seen a lot of chatter on Twitter this week about fertility, infertility, and the inability to conceive or become pregnant. Sorry – I had to get all the keywords in there.
I thought I might have glanced over the topic of fertility as it relates to female sexual satisfaction of the physical kind, that is, Orgasm. So here’s a brief synopsis that builds on the quoted paragraph above.
Female orgasm promotes fertility. If you (speaking to the women, now) have no diagnosed reason why you are not fertile, if you do not have blocked fallopian tubes, if you are producing viable eggs, if you do not have a hormonal condition or any other basis for not being able to get pregnant, then try having an orgasm.
Having an orgasm will get your man’s sperm-containing-semen where it has to be to fertilize your egg, while turning sex into a mechanical process just to get pregnant defeats the purpose on several levels:
- It has been clearly demonstrated in clinical testing that tension, anxiety, and desperation to get pregnant are counterproductive. These emotions cause your adrenal glands to produce essential hormones out of balance and will interfere with your uterine environment. You may have a fertilized egg that just won’t be able to grab onto your uterus; medically, the implantation of the fertilized egg/blastula/embryo is what is called conception. Many psychologists recommend going on vacation to promote pregnancy. Take a trip to Cabo. Make love on the beach.
- Making sex a loving activity will promote your sexual satisfaction, and cause your body to produce those hormones and other pharmacologically active compounds that promote fertilization, conception, and a healthy baby.
- Finally, don’t you want your baby to be produced in the most loving act a man and a woman can share rather than being conceived when mom has a thermometer in one hand and with the sound of "I'm ovulating!" echoing in the room? Enjoy it. Your baby will, too.
Perfect timing (speaking to the men, now) is not always possible. As stated in the previous post, the best time for your woman to have that orgasm is after you’ve had yours, that is, when your semen is present and moving into her uterus.
If you as a couple have the intention to become pregnant, then, regardless of the number and intensity of the orgasms the woman has leading up to her man’s ejaculation, she should continue for one more nice one. I describe in my previous post one sexual technique for doing just that: Post-Play.
Another technique is for the man to use his hand to stimulate his woman to have another orgasm. The woman must cooperate, of course, relaxing and allowing herself that additional pleasure. If he’s not good at that, ladies, do it yourself. Let him watch. How else is he going to learn?
Last, make love to her with your mouth. Which brings us to another related topic: There is nothing that two rational loving people can do together that is disgusting. Men, think about the times your woman has loved you with her mouth after you’ve already had sex. Yeah, some of her was left behind and that didn’t stop her. Turnabout is fair play. If a little of you is left on her, you won’t taste it anyway, not with all of her that is there.
Just love that woman.
Just love that woman.
Think about how great a toast that will make at your kid’s wedding. "Yes, little Johnnie/Janie would not have come into this world, if I didn’t go down on Mom after we had sex on that beach in Cabo."
Good luck.
As always, I promote my book, and hope you'll buy it. It's not just about erectile dysfunction. If you're trying to get pregnant, I presume that's not an issue. It IS about all aspects of maintaining good health now, and building a lifelong metabolism that will allow you to sustain healthy sexual ability until long after your kids have graduated college.Much of it is as applicable to women as men.
HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. A concise and powerful men’s health guide, HARD! provides a protocol for how to do everything right.
Available at BN.com/Nook, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/65109.