Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Case Against Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

A little housekeeping: As I stated in my previous post, I've written a book dealing with many aspects of male health. While ED is always at the forefront of these discussions, overall male health is the way to avoid suffering erectile dysfunction and other maladies in one's later years. My treatise deals with all dimensions of male metabolism and catabolism to address both the general and the specific.

Though it is isn't a marketable title for a book, the working title of the manuscript was simply “Manifesto.”  I'd sit at the keyboard in my cloistered hovel clad only in a dark, hooded sweatshirt. From time to time I'd fall asleep while working. One afternoon I awoke from a dream of Michelle Pfeifer to see a string of 7s spanning several pages displayed on the screen. “7” is high and center on the keyboard. Use your imagination. I knew my premise for continued male health was valid.

Back to topic.

Paraphrased from Manifesto: “You should not have to resign yourself to popping a hit-and-miss pill 30-minutes before each time you need a woody. That would reduce you to some kind of aging Oliver shuffling up to the megalithic pharmaceutical juggernaut, hands outstretched, 'May I have a boner, please?'”

Viagra® and Cialis® are, of course, the big guns in the arena of ED meds. They are the most advertised, but there are others. These two drugs work quite differently from each other and I'll discuss that in a later post. The downside, however, is the same for all of these chemicals.

There are three primary reasons not to ever have to rely on erectile dysfunction medications:
  1. They yoke you to chemical leash held firmly by an inhumane entity.
  2. They have side effects.
  3. They make it very, very hard.
First, there is nothing “curative” about these drugs. They restore some function, but in the absence of any other health-directed action, the user is never released from the burden of periodic dosing. Cialis® now offers an “every-day” pill so you can always be ready for action. Let's get real. If you're young enough to get laid every day, you're too young to need the pill. If you're an old dude with a really young boner-hungry chicky-boom, then you've got enough money that she doesn't care if you can get it up, as long as the pool-boy shows up every Thursday and Monday. Sometimes Tuesday. Occasionally Saturday, and twice on Wednesday.

Second: side effects. There is no such thing as a “side effect.” Side effects are effects. Perhaps “really bad stuff that will also happen” would be better moniker. To prove this point, have you ever heard of a POSITIVE side effect? No, a four-hour erection is not good. Take my word for it. Back in '77 there was an afternoon with the Hamslucker twins... but that's a story for another time.

Then there's how hard it really gets. That is, how hard to pay your rent, electric bill, or buy food. The ED drugs are expensive. $10 or more per pill. The every-day dose: $130+ per month. It's like taking out a perpetual mortgage on your dick.

I treat this topic much more extensively in the book, but this should give you an idea of where I'm going with this and why -- even if you're a young guy -- you should set yourself up for life-long potency.

* * *

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. A concise and powerful men’s health guide, HARD! provides a protocol for how to do everything right. 

Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.

Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download:

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