Sunday, March 27, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction in your 30s? or 20s? Yep.

The linkage between ED and aging is well established and is often – if not always – associated with a long personal history of maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle. Now, erectile dysfunction is nodding its ugly head in the direction of men in their thirties and even their twenties.

Suffering from early hair loss? Thinking about taking a hair-growth, miracle cure that contains finasteride? Read the package. According to an article appearing in the Los Angeles Times on March 18th by Shari Roan, “Hair-loss products ... sold under the brand names Propecia® and Proscar® are known to cause sexual side effects in some men. But a new study suggests that the sexual dysfunction can last for several months after stopping the medications.” 

She states that 92% of men using these products suffer ED to some extent. Boner-loss, a far more catastrophic malady than hair-loss can extend a year after you've stopped subjecting your body to these chemicals. In this time you'll go bald without getting balled.

Sexual side effects. As asserted in my previous post, side effects are effects. They're not on the side; in this case they hit you right in the center of your manhood.

Young men – as young as 21 in the study cited by Ms. Roan – who find they're thinning out on top and try to increase their attractiveness to women, find that they've got a much more profound problem when they connect: erectile dysfunction, low sexual desire and decreased arousal.

Other drugs that deaden your dangler include most of those that are meant to address depression: Zoloft®, Prozac®, etc. Yeah, right! How undepressed are you going to be when your Willie won't wonk?

All these chemicals impact the overall biochemistry of your body, but not naturally. Even those meds that are supposed to be similar or identical to those compounds produced naturally by your body don't work the same when they're administered from outside. This goes for your ladies, too. HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or other medications she may be taking for her “female” issues – including improperly dosed birth-control pills – may be shutting down her libido. They could just make her disinterested, but they can also cause her to feel pain when penetrated. We guys can be selfish, but we'd never want to subject our ladies to that.

When the body (male or female) produces a chemical mediator, such as a neuropeptide or hormone, it is produced where it is needed, in the quantity that is required, and often within the control of natural chemo-regulatory systems that will quickly eliminate the excess and cancel its effect when that chemical is no longer needed. That just doesn't happen when you take a pill.

Further, some naturally occurring chemicals have drastically different effects when naturally produced in various parts of the body. Biochemicals that mediate the immune response, for example, also impact brain chemistry. That's why antihistamines often have a “side effect” of causing drowsiness – and impotence, though transient. Drugs dose the entire body. Nature administers its medications locally.

If you're “too young to have erectile dysfunction,” take a look at your nasal sprays, cosmetic lotions, analgesics (pain meds) and recreational drugs – including alcohol. No one of these may have been demonstrated to cause ED, but the cumulative effect of all these, and a crappy diet, may shut you down earlier than you imagine.

Remember that erectile function is not all-or-nothing. You may not notice the slow onset – a stealthy progression – until your roll over and ask your lover “How was it for you?” and you're told, “I love you anyway.”


2nd Edition updated May 2012.

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. This concise and powerful men’s health guide provides a protocol for how to do everything right.
Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.
Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download:

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