Friday, March 25, 2011

A long time coming...

I've turned 60 years old. I have many male friends who are close to -- or a couple of years ahead of -- that benchmark. They, like me, reject their own mortality. We look in the mirror and still see the 30-something guy with all the promise of the world still ahead of us. I'm here to reaffirm that all the passion and pleasure we have enjoyed over the past decades -- failed marriages not withstanding -- still exists as a powerful potential.

Of course, I'm writing about Sex -- for the pure physical pleasure, as well as being an integral part of a well-rounded and mature relationship with a special woman: friend, companion, playmate, confidant, and lover.

Show me a guy who's as potent in his 60s as he was in his 30s and I'll show you a guy who was impotent in his 30s. Erectile dysfunction is not all or nothing. There are degrees. Many of us feel we can perform adequately. Is adequacy sufficient? Some have resorted to Viagra or Cialis and think that these quick-fixes makes them hot lovers again. It's great to have a woman who will let you get away with that, but not every guy is so blessed. Then there are those who are "in the market," and hope to impress a new lover when they have the chance to hit the sheets. Adequate just don't cut it.

I've spent the last year researching men's health with an emphasis on erectile function, but also to stave off my own physical deterioration: bones, muscles, stature, skin tone, and the all important strength and stamina -- in bed and out. I've written a manifesto on the subject, almost 200 pages. My literary agent has it out to a number of publishers and we're very enthusiastic about the initial response. Placement is pending.

I will bring my thoughts to this blog including some excerpts from the book. I invite your feedback, of course, and also your personal experiences and insights. My intention is to share what I've learned and create an open dialogue. Let's keep it civil and "clean," but also candid and real. Thanks for your interest.

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