Monday, August 1, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction, Obesity, Diet and Sustainable Weight Loss

I don’t think any of you would argue that the man pictured here is obese. The accumulated pressure of all his fat distorts his skin and weighs down on his pants. This particular kind of distention is commonly called “belly fat,” as if it really needs a special name. It is particularly disgusting to woman who can’t imagine themselves being compressed under your girth. However, you may not even try, because this form of obesity often causes erectile dysfunction.

Belly fat is like an iceberg. The fat you see is only a small portion of the fat you’ve got. Most if it is on the inside. It clogs your arteries and it compresses your organs and applies pressure to sensitive nerves and blood vessels.

Just as this man’s pants are being pushed down under the weight of his external fat, his organs are being pushed down inside of him as well. This can restrict the blood flow to his penis – no blood pressure, then no erection – and it can irritate the nerves that carry the signal from his brain to his erectile machinery and, again, no erection.

Dieting, that is, classic dieting will not help. Even if you’re just “big” like this guy, chances are that life will not let you get on the kind of program that allows for sustainable weight loss to keep you motivated. The key word here is sustainable, and weight loss that keeps the weight off is slow, consistent, and healthy weight loss.

That will happen only with a change in your lifestyle.

The good news is:
·         You don’t have to completely give up anything you like to eat;
·         You don’t have to completely give up everything you like to drink;
·         You don’t have to do two hours a day at the gym;
·         You DO have to cut down, moderate, modify, actually eat more – but of healthier food – and work on your attitude about yourself and life in general.

But you have to start sometime. Do you want to be where you are now, 5 years from now? And you’ll be 5 years older as well. As an unhealthy individual, metabolically, you could be 10 years older for having done nothing to stop your weight gain. Yes, you will, on average, gain 3 to 5 pounds a year, if you’re over 50, and much of that will be internal fat – organ obesity.

To say that there’s too much to put into a blog posting to actually give you a list of what you have to do would be obvious. There’s enough to fill an entire book. As a matter of fact, I wrote the book and there’s a link at the bottom of this page.

But I’ve also found some other information about non-dieting weight loss. You can take a look at as a place to start.


HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. A concise and powerful men’s health guide, HARD! provides a protocol for how to do everything right. The best $4.99 you’ve ever spent.

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