Sunday, April 24, 2011

Screw Heart Health

Many of the same health-wise precautions an informed man might take for the preservation of heart and circulatory health as he ages, will also help extend potency -- staving off or completely preventing the onset of erectile dysfunction.

Atherosclerosis, more generally known as hardening of the arteries, is a disease that develops slowly over time. In the absence of a thorough examination by a cardiologist, most men don't know they're in trouble until they have a heart attack or stroke. ED may be an early warning signal.

What is atherosclerosis? “Atherosclerosis is a condition in which fatty material collects along the [inside] walls of arteries. This fatty material thickens, hardens (forms calcium deposits), and may eventually block the arteries.” From:

Arteries are normally elastic. They stretch and flex and bulge out with each beat of your heart. The ability to feel your pulse is the transient expansion of the diameter of the artery in response to the increased pressure as blood is pumped from your heart throughout your body.

The deposits of fatty material, and subsequent calcification, reduces the diameter of the artery, and reduces blood flow. So called “hardening” is really a result of what's actually happening. The deposits, also called plaques, stiffen the vessel, hence the term.

We all know of someone who has had cardiac by-pass surgery. The arteries of the heart itself, having become so blocked that vessels need to be taken from another part of the body – often a leg – and transplanted to go around – by-pass – the artery that no longer is able to supply blood to the heart's muscle. Some of you may have heard of people with a similar condition involving the carotid arteries which supply blood to the brain. Same thing; the opening within the vessels are being slowly reduced in size obstructing the flow of oxygen and nutrition to the brain.

Everyone who has made it past the age of 30 has some plaque build up in their arteries. Most westerners, especially in the United States, who have past the age of 50 have a lot of blockage. Our high fat, high carbohydrate, highly synthetic diets, filled with artificial sweeteners, manufactured food dyes, and pesticide and hormone saturated animal products, clogs our arteries. In recent years, autopsies of teenagers killed it automobile accidents have revealed that plaque formation begins much earlier than medical science presumed possible; the poor condition of the arteries of these youths was linked to their bad diets.

All your arteries, not just the ones in your heart or that feed your brains, but ALL your arteries are effected in this slow degenerative process.

Take a look at this:

Surprise, surprise, dude... yes, your penis is a hydraulic device completely dependent on the flow of blood and pressure through these arteries. Cut down the blood flow, you'll lose pressure, and your erectile becomes dysfunctional.

The main artery responsible for erection actually keeps blood out when you don't need your woody. Muscles in the walls of this artery constrict, so only a little blood flows in – just enough to keep the guy alive. When you need to go to work, these muscles relax and full blood pressure is supplied to pump up the volume. Block up these arteries with plaque and crap and the muscles might relax to let the blood flow, but there's not enough opening in the vessel to allow the pressure you'd really love to have and that you have to have to love.

More... there are veins that carry blood out, of course, and these, too, have muscles. But when the arteries open up to let blood in, the veins, using the same kind of smooth venous muscles, close down the outlet to keep woody full and happy until the deed is done. When these veins become less elastic, they can't close down to trap what little pressure you're able to get to stay in. Bummer.

Atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, a reduction in the elasticity of arteries and veins and their occlusion – narrowing of the opening... If left to run wild with the daily consumption of high-fat, low fiber foods, this may kill you... but these habits take their toll on your dick first, so you'll wish you were dead.

More bad news: Nicotine and other by-products of smoking cause the fatty deposits circulation in your blood to become – for lack of any other term – “sticky” and promotes the formation of plaque. That's the reason smokers are in the high-risk category for heart disease and stroke.

The message of this posting: All the things you need to do to get your blood pressure and cholesterol under control – all the dietary adjustments necessary to take off a little weight – all the hype about getting some exercise – just 30 minutes at least 3 times a week – forget about heart health... Do it for your dick!

For down-to-earth advice on exactly what you should do – and it's all doable – read my book:

HARD! Maintaining Potency, Eliminating Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life is not just for those with ED, but for all men who want to keep functioning throughout their life. A concise and powerful men’s health guide, HARD! provides a protocol for how to do everything right. 

Available at, Apple, and Amazon/Kindle.

Also available in all eBook formats for immediate download:

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